About Us

Atlantic Bay Shipping Company (ABSC) is an Indian crewing company established in 2001. Our company has a good pool of highly qualified and skilled seafarers. Atlantic Bay Shipping Company came under close scrutiny by IQNet and CISQ/RINA accredited in January 2002 when the company successfully passed the implementation audit of its Quality Management Systems (QSM) as per ISO 9001:2008 Quality Standards for Manning of Seafarers (Ocean going vessels of any type & tonnage and offshore vessels). Our company is also in possession of RPS Licence (Recruitment and Placement Service License ) issued by the Seamen's Employment office . Licence no - RPSL - MUM- 108. Atlantic Bay Shipping Company had been selected by The Shipping Corporation of India (A Government of India undertaking firm) for supply of manpower to their Main fleet as well as Off-shore vessels.
